Warren police logs: A look back at 2017's oddest calls

EastBayRI.com ·

Police officers have to deal with everything: Crime, violence, arguments, misunderstandings and more. But they also get more than their fair share of strange calls, as the following police log reports from 2017 illustrate. Apologies in advance for some of the puns:

A Wood Street resident complained that an upstairs neighbor was banging. On what, the report does not specify.

A fireworks call came in from Arlington Avenue at 10:34 p.m. That was just about the time the New England Patriots capped off their amazing Super Bowl victory.

A Highview Avenue woman reported that someone puts paraffin wax on her door locks every Thursday.

A Main Street resident complained of a “strong odor of goats” in the neighborhood.

Some things can’t be unseen. A caller from Long Wharf Drive told police that he was upset that his neighbor does not have curtains in the bathroom.

A caller from Almeida Drive reported that his vase was ringing. There was no clarification, but police said there was no problem.

A caller complained that a man was flying a drone over Market Street, disrupting traffic.

Rescue was called for a person with a ring stuck on a finger. In other ring news, a caller from Butterworth Drive told police a ring was stolen from his home.

Cattle made a break for it and ended up loose on Libby Lane.

Buffalo chicken: A loose chicken call drew the animal control officer to Buffalo Avenue.

A caller from Union Street asked for help with a malfunctioning kitchen appliance.

Rooster lovers might be happy to know that the an who said Saturday that his son would “take care” of a crowing rooster on Seymour Street did not take the extremest of measures to quiet the animal. Others, like the neighbor who called in on Saturday and again Sunday at 4:40 a.m., might not be so thrilled. The animal control officer was called again by the same caller from a day earlier, complaining that the rooster, apparently alive and well, was crowing again.

A Main Street man called police at 2:06 a.m. to report that a drunken man by the name of Eugene fell asleep on his couch and wouldn’t wake up and leave.

A caller from Overhill Road spotted a loose chicken in the yard. Police don’t suspect fowl play.

A caller reportedly unhappy with his food at a Child Street restaurant called police seeking a refund. Police suggested he talk with employees at the restaurant.

Police issued a no trespass order against a Warren man for allegedly unplugging a soda machine at a Child Street auto body garage and using the outlet to charge his electric scooter.

A Davis Street woman reported a possible break-in; however, she called back about an hour later to report that the broken window she’d noticed was likely the work of her cat, not a cat burglar.

A man called to complain that a group of kids pushed a port-a-john from a sidewalk area into the middle of Water Street.

A detail police officer reported seeing “multiple” rats on Water Street. No contemporary reports of sinking ships.

A caller reported a skunk in distress on Child Street. The animal control officer located the animal on Cutler Street and was able to remove a yogurt container from its head.

A bull got loose on Market Street. Insert china shop or red cape references here.

A caller said he received a fraudulent check from Publisher’s Clearing House.

Whoops. A woman on Prudence Lane called police because she had set a trap to catch a groundhog but caught a skunk instead.

Police got a complaint that two women were openly drinking alcohol at a bus stop at Main and Water streets. Police checked it out: Soda.

A woman called police after she sold items to a man and later found out they were worth more than her asking price.

A Serpentine Road woman reported the theft of her beehive. No word on whether police are setting up a sting to catch the thief.

A caller told police there was a large hole in the sidewalk along Main Street. Police looked into it but could not get to the bottom of it.

A Long Lane man called police with concerns that a neighbor threw a piece of raw meat onto his property.




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