East Providence school nurse nominated for national award

Silver Spring's Maria Fazioli in running for prize

EastBayRI.com ·

EAST PROVIDENCE — Silver Spring Elementary School nurse Maria Fazioli is the state finalist for the Children’s Advil, Children’s Robitussin and Children’s Dimetapp national “America’s Greatest School Nurse” contest.

Submissions were gathered from across the country and now finalists nationwide are in the running to win the grand prize, an ultimate summer vacation.

Mrs. Fazioli, also a city resident, has been chosen to represent Rhode Island as a finalist. She was nominated for the award by Michael Kirkutis, Silver Spring principal. To support Mrs. Fazioli's nomination to become America’s Greatest School Nurse votes can be cast through April 16 at AmericasGreatestSchoolNurse.com.

Mr. Kirkutis explained his decision, “I nominated Maria because she is an exemplary nurse. She is very knowledgeable in the medical field being a former emergency room nurse. She has done everything from reviving a student to following - up with student care at home.

"In addition to meeting the daily medical needs of students, she sets up break areas in her office for students who need extra support. She eats lunch in her office so she can always be available. And she runs charity events and after-school yoga programs for staff members.

"Everyone loves Nurse Maria because she is hardworking, compassionate, funny and reliable. She brightens our day and is well deserving of this honor.”